
The Parapsychology Foundation invites you to take an exciting journey of discovery by joining their newly-formed PSYCHIC EXPLORERS CLUB. The journey—like no other—will follow, throughout history and across cultures, anomalous events that manifest in ways not yet fully understood: the realms of psychic phenomena. Exploring the psychic realms, you will travel the course of science and other disciplines over the past century—a course marked by laboratory and clinical studies, and on-site ghost investigations. You will weigh the evidence of rigorous science against charlatans who exploit, and skeptics who dismiss, this potentially limitless human dimension.
Inspired by the philosophy of Eileen J. Garrett, world-renowned psychic and pioneer in the support and promotion of parapsychological research, the PSYCHIC EXPLORERS CLUB requires no prior expertise. Rather, we encourage you to bring a sense of adventure, an open mind, and an innate curiosity about psychical manifestations and their meaning for humankind.
As a PSYCHIC EXPLORERS CLUB member, you will draw on Parapsychology Foundation’s status as a leading nonprofit, worldwide clearinghouse for information in the field of parapsychology. You can participate in “psychic adventure” events; craft your own personal journey of exploration; and bring to the table your own concepts and understandings.