As a PSYCHIC EXPLORERS CLUB member, you will have access to the renowned Parapsychology Foundation’s resources:
lectures, seminars and “psychic adventures” led by leaders in the field
international conferences and forums
an acclaimed journal, pamphlets, videos and books published by the Foundation
www.parapsychology.org, the Parapsychology Foundation website and PFLyceum.org, the PF educational website
one of the world’s largest libraries and audio/visual collections devoted to parapsychology, from rare historical texts to cutting-edge research.
Once enrolled in the PSYCHIC EXPLORERS CLUB, you will immediately receive:
a 10% DISCOUNT on all Foundation products and events at PSI-Mart.com
access from MY PE Page to the private, members-only PE Club Forum, where you can exchange ideas and information
access from MY PE Page to members-only News & Links, featuring Parapsychology Foundation events, new products and research
resource links to a wealth of information on psychic phenomena
access from the News Page to a free members-only Reprint Library.
You will also receive in the mail:
a tote bag with club logo,
introductory pamphlets and the annual Parapsychology Foundation NOW newsletter.
Join the PSYCHIC EXPLORERS CLUB and embark on a fascinating personal quest, while supporting Parapsychology Foundation’s worldwide commitment to impartial scientific inquiry. Together, we will shed light on the mysteries of psychic phenomena.

Parapsychology Foundation | PO Box 1562, New York, NY, 10021 Phone (212)-628-1550 | Fax (212)-628-1559